About me...

I work at Threaded Fasteners Inc. I enjoy my job and the people I work with. I hold a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education from the University of South Alabama. I aspire to contribute to the lives of children through my teaching. I have always loved helping children throughout my life. I have worked at numerous daycare's and summer camps with children over the years. I feel it will be my duty as a teacher to prepare my students to be successful individuals in society.
My Teaching Philosophy
I believe it is the right of every child to be seen as an individual. As a teacher, it is my job to do that. It is also my job to provide a safe and controlled environment for my students to learn in. it is my goal to develop each child through instruction and discipline. My students are like sponges who will absorb everything I teach. Since education is only one aspect of a child’s full growth, the classroom shares the responsibility with the community and the home to develop the whole child and enable him/her to become a mature, responsible member of society.
Through tough love, commitment, and collaboration, it is my goal to make sure every child is provided the opportunity to reach his/her fullest potential not only academically, but also emotionally, and socially.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Through commitment from me and my students we can have a productive school year. I want to instill in my students that hard work and commitment is very important in everything we do. I make a commitment to them at the beginning of the school year to prepare them for the next school year and to do everything I can possibly to do to comply with that commitment. Through collaboration with the parents of the students, the students themselves, and the community it is my goal to make sure every child is provided the opportunity to reach his/her fullest potential not only academically, but also emotionally, and socially. My students will always know that I will help them through anything. I am the water that my sponges are going to absorb.

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